Tuesday, November 15, 2011

sneak peak

I am awaiting the arrival of the disk of Ella's six month photo session. From what I have seen, they came out wonderful!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

28 weeks

Ella continues to mature into a little girl! She has been doing things much more deliberately this passed week. We spent about 15 minutes yesterday copying each other tapping at her highchair. She would tap 3 or 4 or 5 times and then I would copy her. As I tapped she studied what I was doing.

Like all females, Ella is attracted to shiny objects such as jewelry. Today in church she was playing with the charm on my necklace. She is usually rather delicate when she does so. When she looked away, I moved my charm so it was out of her reach. When she came back to play with it, she was pawing all around looking for it. It was quite comical.

Ella continues to do well with her food. So far squash seems to be her favorite. Tonight, I gave her bananas. She seemed unsure about them at first but then she quickly warmed up to them and finished what I had prepared for her. I hope this means that I will not have a picky eater on my hands.

Due to the storm, trick or treating in Dracut was postponed till last night. Ella helped me pass out candy for about an hour before it was her bed time. She was so adorable in her flower costume. She would not allow me to put on the hat that goes with the costume but she had no issue with me putting on a kitty winter had when it began to get cold. She was funny. She was silent when people came up to us but once they began to walk away she would giggle or begin talking!

Friday, November 4, 2011

6 month appointment

On October 26th Ella went for her 6 month appointment. She impressed the nurses with her skills. She was grabbing for everything in site and she was quite the focused little girl! It is great seeing Ella interacting with people. She is a happy little girl. At her appointment she measured 27 1/4 inches long (93rd percentile), 17 lbs 4 oz (34th percentile) and her head was 42 cm (35th percentile). She is growing and learning. It will be interesting to see her stats at her 9 month appointment.

I can do it!

Shortly after Ella's 6 month appointment, she decided to roll over. She still doesn't enjoy being on her tummy so this has been a useful skill for her!

27 weeks

Time sure does fly!!